Jack with Derek, February 2010. is dedicated to the memory of
Jonas Bruce & Jack Bruce
(1969-1997) (1943-2014) is hosted by Via Net.Works USA. The following people were influential in its development:
Thanks to Margrit Seyffer and Richard Sheppard for their assistance.
Thanks to Peter Collins and DC-Creative, who organised much of the Biography and Monkjack pages.
Thanks to Bob Elliott for the past tours database and his many valuable suggestions.
Special thanks to Jim Clash, whose connections as a professional journalist afforded me the opportunity to meet Jack.
Thanks to my computer-savvy Harvard colleagues for much valuable input and advice: Benedict Brown, Kevin Faaborg, Mike Hill, and Jason Simmons.
Finally, a very special thank you to Jack himself: for allowing me to construct the web site, for his input and support, and for the wonderful music he has given to generations of fans. Through his creativity and expressive genius as a composer, he has made my life and Life On Earth a little more bearable, and much more inspired.
Please e-mail derek [at] jackbruce [dot] com with
any comments regarding Jack's site.